(June 12, 2016) – Cheers and LoCoSports have named their 2016 All-LoCo girls soccer team. Loudoun County High School junior Allyson Brown has been named the 2016 girls soccer Player of the Year. The Coach of the Year is Nicole Brower of Tuscarora High School.
The All-LoCo girls soccer first team photo shoot will be held on July 10 at 10:20 a.m. at Cheers Sports’ new location! Please RSVP to The Owl at owen@locosports.info or by direct message on Twitter at @LoCoSports by June 22 with your t-shirt size.
FAQs about the photo shoot can be found here!

All-LoCo 2016 Girls Soccer First Team
FWD Alex Addington JR Stone Bridge
FWD Allyson Brown JR Loudoun County
MID Rayven Conner SR Briar Woods
DEF Brie Deel SR Stone Bridge
MID Lindsay Gallagher SR Stone Bridge
GK Courtenay Kaplan SR Tuscarora
DEF Lauren Kelly SR Briar Woods
FWD Emma Kerns JR Broad Run
DEF Liz Lazzaro SR Loudoun County
DEF Emily Roche SR Broad Run
MID Blair Thompson JR John Champe
All-LoCo 2016 Girls Soccer Honorable Mention
Maddie Alexander (Heritage), Olivia Camera (Potomac Falls), Anna Deutsch (Broad Run), Leah Deutsch (Broad Run), Abby Hurst (Freedom), Dacheka Kolcum (Tuscarora), Hannah McShea (Loudoun County), Breanna Mitchell (Dominion), Kylee Moffett (Freedom), Margaret Mooreones (Potomac Falls), Kristen Patrick (Potomac Falls), Lauren Perry (Loudoun Valley), Kayleigh Shackford (Rock Ridge), Lauren Sproat (John Champe), Darby Stephens (Woodgrove)